What to do when anger is justified.
One of the key components of anger management is identifying: Is my anger based on the facts or am I responding with anger because I have assumed some things? So what do you do when the anger IS justified?
Why telling men to “express their feelings” is not enough.
Men expressing their feelings is more complicated than “just do it”, “share how you feel!”. In this post I explore why telling men to express their feelings isn’t enough, and how we can approach improving mental health for men in ways that considers the more complicated reality.
Should a man see a male counselor?
Check out this guest blog from Travis Jeffords LCMHCA, MDiv. He shares what the actual scientific research says about male clients and the gender of the therapist they should see.
Low Self-Esteem in Men: 5 Tips to combat it.
Low self esteem means you lack confidence that who you are and what you do is good enough. Men who suffer with low self esteem may feel incompetent and inadequate in their relationships and daily lives. Here are some tools men can use to start to combat this.
Why men don’t talk about their mental health.
Men struggling with mental health or painful emotions entirely on their own can and have led to fatal consequences. Let’s explore some reasons why men don’t talk about their mental health to get a better understanding.
Tips for men going to therapy.
Whether you’re a man who has been to therapy before or you are thinking about going for the first time, it can be confusing to know what to expect. As a therapist for men, here are a few tips I want every man to know before they begin.
Why am I so irritable?
That persistent feeling of irritability and its effects on you and others is something that can use some clarification. Let’s explore what irritability actually means and identify ways to see it differently that will be helpful in knowing how to move forward.
5 Reasons it is difficult to take responsibility for your actions.
There are many reasons why you may have difficulty taking responsibility for your actions. I can for sure tell you though, it is something you learned along the way. Here are 5 common reasons people have difficulty taking responsibility.
How to find a therapist in Ontario
If you are one of the many people in Ontario looking for a therapist I do not envy you. I find it difficult to navigate as a therapist, so if the mental health world is fairly new for you it can be even more frustrating to find what you need. Finding a therapist in Ontario is not a clear cut system. I am here to share what I know so you go into your search with some direction.
What to do when angry and can’t leave the situation.
I am a big believer in leaving the situation when you're angry and you want to avoid making anger worse. What happens when we can’t leave though? I want to give you some tips on how to avoid making anger worse when you can’t leave the situation.
Is it bad to not talk about your feelings?
Men and their families have always felt the impacts of keeping all the emotions to themselves, it’s just now that those relationships are increasingly voicing the need for men to do so. There’s good reasons for this though. Never talking about your feelings can have negative consequences for your mental health and relationships.
Anger Management: Tips for getting started.
There’s lots of different skills you can learn to manage your anger effectively, but if you don’t get to know your anger really well first, you’re not going to be able to use those skills effectively. Think of it like building a solid foundation. Let’s see what you’re working with before building the house.
How do I become a better father than my father?
Wanting to know the answer to this shows an awareness of an issue. This is not a small thing. Think of the dads you’ve met that turn out exactly like their father who they complain about. These same fathers are not aware how they’re repeating the same patterns. You're here reading this to do fatherhood differently.
Why do I get so mad?
When something happens and your anger comes out again, roaring, unexpected, you feel a bit duped by your own body. How does this feeling keep coming up? Not only that, but why am I THIS mad?
8 Downsides of keeping things in.
Are you someone who describes yourself as private, keeps things to yourself, or doesn’t talk about feelings? Here are some ways that keeping everything inside without expressing or talking about them can actually do harm.
Why “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is bad advice.
This phrase is saying try harder and make more effort; Rely on you and only you; You don’t need any outside help; If you just try harder you will succeed or accomplish the thing. It ultimately tells me that any failure or current struggle is a reflection of my lack of motivation, and desire and efforts to change or fix.
Do I drink too much?
Look at different areas of your life and see if there’s been consequences to alcohol use. I want you to reflect on what you see day-to-day in your life that would make you ask “do I drink too much?”. Get honest with your answers even if you're not wanting to share at this time.
Why don’t many men show their emotions?
It’s common understanding that men are less emotional. A place where we go wrong is thinking they’re just born this way or that’s just how it is. This isn’t true. Men do have emotions and also there are reasons why they may show them less.
How to improve your long-term relationship.
Relationships take effort. Any dating or relationship advice that says you meet someone and everything should fall into place then smooth sailing for the long-haul is selling you what you want to hear. Take a look at the following relationship ideas that are more likely to set you up for success.
Should I work on my anger?: 3 reasons why.
If you are not sure whether to work on your anger this will give you clarity. Take a look at these 3 reasons why anger would be problematic or something to work on.