Do I drink too much?
The answer to this question is personal. It’s up to you to decide if you drink too much.
Yes, we can look at Canada’s guidelines on alcohol drink consumption, but that’s giving the research that generalizes to everyone. It’ll tell you where the threshold is when alcohol consumption becomes dangerous and harmful to your health.
I would look at answering this question a bit differently.
Look at different areas of your life and see if there’s been consequences to alcohol use. I want you to reflect on what you see day-to-day in your life that would make you ask “do I drink too much?”.
Get honest with your answers even if you're not wanting to share at this time.
Do you find yourself being secretive about if, when, or how much you’ve drunk?
Have others shown concern over your drinking?
Do you see increased friction or conflict in relationships when or after drinking?
Are you only comfortable being social if drinking?
Do all your social activities revolve around drinking?
Have you increasingly been drinking heavily alone?
Have you been late to work because of drinking?
Do you call in sick because of having drank?
Are you finding it difficult to keep up with tasks?
Physical Health
How uncomfortable, painful, or disruptive are your hangovers?
Have you noticed difficulty remembering or with concentration?
Even on days you’re not drinking, do you sweat, have shaky hands, restlessness, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping?
Are you unable to cut down when you’ve tried?
Mental Health
Are cravings for alcohol affecting concentration?
Is alcohol used largely for self-medicating? Ie. stress reduction, avoidance, changing mood
Do you find your mood to be increasingly depressive or anxious?
After consuming alcohol or the next day, do you notice negative thoughts, or feelings of regret, guilt, or shame?
Are you spending money on alcohol you don’t have?
Does consuming alcohol cause you to spend on other things when you wouldn’t have sober?
Have you driven after consuming alcohol?
While drinking, have you gotten aggressive, punched, pushed, or been physical towards another person?
Have you found yourself being verbally abusive or threatening to someone?
Do you end up using illegal substances after having alcohol?
I encourage you to read & research more or reach out for support.
Schedule a free therapy consult at Olsen Psychotherapy.
The Government of Canada has listing and information about Canada-wide, provincial, and territorial supports
Connex Ontario has information about Ontario resources and supports
The Alcohol Rehab Guide has further reading about alcohol use and treatments.
Disclaimer: This is general advice. Like all self-help information, it is not personal and tailored to fit for all people and situations. This content should not be taken as a substitute for individual mental health or relationship support.