Guilt after infidelity.
Couples, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW Couples, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW

Guilt after infidelity.

What happens when you are trying to fix things with your spouse after your infidelity, but you can’t stop feeling guilty? The guilt is haunting you. The guilt is getting in the way of repairing your relationship or marriage. As a therapist for men and couples, I need you to hear this.

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Is jealousy in a relationship healthy?
Couples, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW Couples, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW

Is jealousy in a relationship healthy?

Jealousy in relationships is a common issue. Maybe you are the jealous partner or one who feels attacked by your partner’s jealousy; Wherever you’re coming from, I want to provide you some perspective on the feeling of jealousy, when it’s problematic, and what can be done on both sides.

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How to be a better husband.
Relationships, Couples Christine Olsen, MSW RSW Relationships, Couples Christine Olsen, MSW RSW

How to be a better husband.

Most men I see coming to therapy are coming because of their relationships. They want to be better partners, husbands, or fathers. The people that love them are encouraging them to get support through therapy. This says something to me: men’s relationships are important to them, even critical to their lives.

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How do I become a better father than my father?
Relationships, Mens Mental Health Christine Olsen, MSW RSW Relationships, Mens Mental Health Christine Olsen, MSW RSW

How do I become a better father than my father?

Wanting to know the answer to this shows an awareness of an issue. This is not a small thing. Think of the dads you’ve met that turn out exactly like their father who they complain about. These same fathers are not aware how they’re repeating the same patterns. You're here reading this to do fatherhood differently.

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Why “never go to bed angry” is bad relationship advice.
Anger Management, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW Anger Management, Relationships Christine Olsen, MSW RSW

Why “never go to bed angry” is bad relationship advice.

It’s not so much that going to bed while angry is good because let’s be real: trying to fall asleep when you are upset is nearly impossible. It’s more about whether you should solve the issue or repair the relationship now, instead of walking away and letting it be for a while. Here are reasons I am PRO “go to sleep angry.”

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